What Is The Duration of Meth Addiction Treatment?

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Meth (methamphetamine) is a highly potent and addictive drug. It is classified as a stimulant, which increases activity in your brain. This leads to heightened alertness, sociability, talkativeness, and pleasant highs. It is easy to get addicted to meth because of how powerful it is. If you happen to be addicted, you will need treatment to recover.

What is the average length of time it takes to complete meth addiction treatment?

Once you attempt to quit using meth, you will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms. Meth withdrawal symptoms might be physical, emotional, or behavioral. They can be difficult to deal with, and they can linger for days or even weeks. Various factors, including the amount of time you have been addicted, influence the duration of such symptoms. Thus, if you want to get rid of your meth addiction, you should go to a meth detox facility.

Meth withdrawal and detoxification are often painful experiences, and they are a major reason why it’s hard to quit using the drug on your own. Withdrawal is not only unpleasant, but it can be damaging to your health as well. For that reason, the best thing to do is to go through medically assisted detox programs.

How long will meth detox last?

Meth Addiction TreatmentDetoxification is an important step on the road to recovery, but it is not the end of the journey. Many addiction professionals believe that treatment will never be totally finished. Instead, it is a lifelong, never-ending process.

Individual detox profiles differ depending on the amount of meth you have consumed. Most detox profiles, though, include the following:

  • The first detox could take up to 3 days if you are a mild to heavy meth user.
  • If you are a long-term heavy user, detox could take up to a week.
  • Post-acute withdrawal symptoms might linger for weeks if left untreated.

Meth detox occurs in three stages.

Stage 1: Crash

When you say you’ve crashed, it usually signifies you’ve gone from a feeling really high to really low. Fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, hallucinations, sweats and chills, muscle spasms, migraines, and irritability are all possible side effects.

The first stage of your detox can last several days or weeks. For 10 to 20 days, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. During this period, a treatment specialist will keep track of your symptoms and may also prescribe medication to help with your withdrawal symptoms.

Stage 2: Cravings

Your body will eventually purge itself. Your system will be free of any traces of meth. You will, however, continue to have urges for several months. You can manage your cravings and overcome your impulses with the right treatment and assistance from your therapist, family, and a support group.

Stage 3: Recovery

Recovery is achievable regardless of the severity of your addiction. Much of it is determined by your desire to stop taking meth. After you’ve completed your detox, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of treatment options, including:

  • Inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Individual therapies
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapies
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Contingency management

Meth Addiction TreatmentA therapist can meet with you to build a treatment plan once you’ve taken the first step and entered a detox program. There are numerous treatment choices available that are tailored to your goals, addiction, and living circumstances. The good news is that you will never be alone in your fight against addiction. Professionals that care about your recovery will provide you with continuous support.

Full meth addiction treatment programs can last up to 3 months or more, depending on the severity of your addiction. Once you have completed your rehab program, aftercare is often needed to help you stay sober for the long term. This can last for several months, or even years.

What happens during meth rehab?

When you enter therapy you will have a unique and effective rehab experience thanks to a number of important elements. While each treatment plan is different, most programs provide a combination of the services listed below.


To examine and treat any co-occurring mental health concerns or physical condition, drug detox begins with a supportive aid program. Detox is a safe technique to eliminate toxins from the body and recuperate from the effects of crystal meth.

Individual counseling

One-on-one sessions allow you to meet with a therapist in private to examine the causes that led to your addiction. Also, you will be equipped with skills to help you make better decisions, develop healthier coping strategies, and recover from past traumas.

Group counseling

Meetings with a counselor and other members of the drug recovery program provide an opportunity to open up about addiction. You can have numerous breakthroughs and pleasant experiences in group counseling because of the supportive environment of others who are dealing with similar challenges.

Experiential therapy

Meth Addiction TreatmentThis is a type of therapy in which you go through art therapy, psychodrama, and adventure therapy, among others. These are all hands-on therapies that provide you a more active method to recuperate from past traumas. Using the body as a portal to the mind and soul can assist you in breaking free from your addiction to meth.

Family therapy

Family therapy sessions give you and your loved ones a safe place to talk about how you feel about the past and your hopes for the future. It’s a great way to learn about effective communication techniques, too.


Aftercare is important in the recovery process. As you move out of the protective atmosphere of rehab, outpatient therapies, alternative treatments, 12-step meetings, and alumni organizations can help prevent relapse and keep you on track to a drug-free lifestyle.

Get help right away

If you are struggling with a meth addiction, there is hope for you. A comprehensive meth addiction treatment program is the solution to overcome the substance abuse.

Each treatment plan differs between patients, so discuss it with your doctor or a mental health specialist first. They will help you formulate the best treatment program that addresses your specific needs.